
What Does It Mean to be Born Again? is unavailable, but you can change that!

When Jesus explained the necessity of the new birth, the Jewish leader Nicodemus asked in astonishment, “How can these things be?” Some two thousand years later, much confusion still surrounds the term “born again,” though more people than ever people claim to have had the experience. In this Crucial Questions booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion and carefully explains what it...

Here is a theological formula that may strike you as strange: “Regeneration precedes faith.” We have seen that regeneration, or spiritual rebirth, is the beginning of the Christian life. If regeneration is the first step, obviously it must come before the second step. Spiritually dead people do not suddenly develop faith, causing God to regenerate them. Rather, faith is the fruit of the regeneration God performs in our hearts: “Even when we were
Pages 37–38